Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Reflection of Power & Knowledge from "Enemy Of The State"

Knowledge is skills, an experience, an information about something or anything, and power is executing that idea or the knowledge to the desire. Power and knowledge are right onto each other, they are technically linked and dependent. There’s no power without having the knowledge. That’s the idea I’ve got from watching the blockbuster, action-thriller movie “Enemy of the State”.

In the movie, a team of skilled NSA (National Security Agency) surveillance operatives has the overpowering knowledge of ultrahigh technologies which became their power. A very sensitive video tape of murdering a congressman by the NSA officers lead by another congressman Thomas Reynolds (Jon Voight) is the curse. Which somehow been given to an attorney named Robert Dean (Will Smith) without his knowledge. The NSA officials want to retrieve that tape from Dean. They started to use their knowledge of technology by bugging Robert Dean totally, starting from his house, his car, cell phone, suite, watch even his pen. They planted surveillance chip onto Dean’s stuff so that they keep trace of him all the time, here the sense of applying the technology becomes power. They have been tracing Dean by a high-tech satellite which is about 155 miles above the earth, now that’s what I call power which totally converted from the knowledge.

Robert Dean was completely clueless about what is happening to him, why a team of NSA is turning his and his family’s life hell.Then came to the rescue a former NSA communication analyst Edward Lyle a.k.a Brill (Gene Hackman). Brill was aware of all the NSA intelligence as he was one of them once. When Robert meets Brill, then the power of knowledge switched into their side and they goes for the counter attack against their enemy using the same method of surveillance technology. Point is.. Brill has the knowledge of technology but not the power of law and enforcement like the NSA, still when Robert & Brill applies that technology it started to work as a power, which absolutely proves that knowledge is power.

Knowledge and power are two convertible elements, both rely on each other in different manners. It clears me the point why Michel Foucault finds relation between those two words. Its obvious that power and knowledge are mutually reinforcing relation in between. That’s why Foucault titled it “power/knowledge”.

This is how the “Enemy of the State” reflects the idea of power and knowledge.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Urban Myths of Bangladesh

I personally think myth is a believe, a thought. Some information about someone or something which no one actually knows whether its true or not, does it exist ? Its like a mystery.

In the urban places of Bangladesh, we also heard about a lot of myths which are superstition oriented. Here are five of those myths.

  • If someone sneeze just before starting a new work, its going to harm that work. If he sneezes more than once then its going to harm even more. So basically sneezing before starting a work is unlucky.
  • In the urban places we usually see a bird call 'Shalik'. The myth is, if we see a odd number of Shalik it means you'll have a bad day and in case of even number of Shalik we believe its a good day coming.
  • Cutting finger nail after the Magrib's Prayer is very unlucky for the person. Something bad will happen to him/her. I've seen people believe that myth pretty strongly.
  • New years first day. Urban people love to believe that the first day of the year is going to reflect the whole 365 days. Which means if you pass your first day badly, the entire year is not going to be lucky for him/her and vise versa. So people try die hard to pass their first day without causing any trouble.
  • In the Muslim religion we've heard that if someone has a pet dog in his house or anywhere, the Angels or the Holy Spirit will never show up in that place. This place will no longer be sacred for the Messenger of God we know as 'Feresta'. Because dogs are not friendly to them.

That was my selected urban myths of Bangladesh.

The last myth is a bit controversial because the information is taken from our Holy Prophets Book.